The American Legion Color Guard is a group of dedicated men that honor Veterans at funerals by performing a solemn patriotic ritual. By request we perform at funerals for no cost to say thank you to the deceased from The United States of America, The American Legion, the specific service the individual served in, and from every Veteran who has ever served!

The American Legion Color Guard also performs at many other activities at no cost such as churches, gatherings, sports events, ceremonies, grand openings, etc. to properly “Post The Colors” giving our national symbol, “The American Flag”, the honor it deserves. We perform flag folding, flag education, flag disposal & flag etiquette services to inform the general public of our nation’s history and laws. We are the official Color Guard of the 10th district for the state of Georgia.
We welcome all Veterans who would like to join us and uphold America’s traditions to honor Veterans and our Flag. Come join us.
Color Guard Meets @ 5:30PM on the first Thursday before the monthly business meeting begins at 7PM.
The Color Guard
“They want to see us do our best,
without performing fears;
We know when we’ve made them proud,
we see it in their tears.”
- Jerry Mahaffey – Captain
- Bill Dolan – Training Supervisor
- John Bushwack
- Ron Hunt
- Glen Brumbelow
- Gary Rolley
- Keith Norton
- Allan McDonald
- Ralph Mullens
- Jack Wade